What Does NoviChi Offer Me as a Practitioner?

A Map:

How valuable is a map?  When I am working with someone’s possibilities, I understand how important it is to be present and have constant connection.   NoviChi offers me a map, and I am confident that  If I follow that map, my client will have an amazing quality session and I can stay present.  Because I have a map, I can stay grounded .  This leaves me in a state of vitality after a session. Being able to be present and grounded allows me to the heart connection with my client while listening with clarity.  It also insures that I am able to assist others with NoviChi long into in my senior years should I decide I would like to.



The NoviChi technology gives me credibility as I share with my clients the priorities and possibilities of sessions.  The easy to use software with the videos gives me the opportunity to teach and  have valuable conversations, using language to assist my client with goals that will strengthen their focus and bring them clarity.


Self Healing:

NoviChi gives me an opportunity to work on myself.  The easy to follow protocols can lead me through my own profound processes and bring me into self realizations and transformation. This self-healing journey can be taken at my own pace, in my own space, in a very private and personal manner.