Mind Testimonials


PTSD Solider Testimonial

I was in the United States Army for four years on a number of real world deployments which included time in Afghanistan and Iraq. My duties forced me to take other lives and I was left with learning to deal with that after leaving the military.

During the last year of service I began to experience nightmares and cold sweats about previous experiences I had been in. In hindsight now I realize my behavior had extremely changed. I wasn’t as compassionate as before, I had an underlying anger, I couldn’t focus on an idea and take it to fruition, I was very short tempered and had absolutely no patience for anything or anyone.

After moving home to Las Vegas, I had the opportunity to meet Julia Johnson. My mom was convinced I was suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I agreed to the session.

Julia had me lie down on her massage table while she hooked me up to the light machine. She explained what she was going to do and what the light would do and we began. I was very relaxed during the process and remember feeling clear headed which I had not felt in four years. Julia asked me to remember the horrific memories, to bring them up and then release them. I would remember the experience, see it and then it would just dissipate. Afterward I was energized and was very clear on what I wanted to do.

I will begin the police academy in seven days and am looking forward to starting my new profession. I am very grateful to Julia and the light for balancing me and bringing me back to normal.


Drew E. Albers


NoviChi Mind Module Testimonial

I have been using NoviChi technology and have experienced deep transformation in many areas of my life.  I have healed the remnants of abuse as a child, abusive relationships as an adult, developed the courage to step into a new career, and healed beliefs around self-worth and abundance.  I used NoviChi protocols to heal food addictions and change the health of my body along with my mind.  As someone who struggled with depression my entire life, I found love and peace through NoviChi protocols but noticed that my mood would often slip back to depression almost out of habit.  I always had to DO something to feel good again, whether it was meditation, exercise or talking with friends.  After using the Brain Chemistry Support Protocol my world was transformed once again.  It helped my brain start being happy naturally.  I didn’t have to find happiness or peace through an activity or external source.  The brain support has helped me achieve an elevated mood on a consistent level.  I used it about 3 times in two weeks and felt myself shift dramatically.  I used it once more about 2 months later when I felt a slight dip in my conscious thought process and have felt great ever since.  I am now in a loving, supportive relationship, pursuing an exciting new career sharing NoviChi with the world, and on my way to optimal health.  I have NoviChi to thank for changing my life and allowing me to finally know my what it’s like to feel good about myself.  It has given me a strong healthy foundation to build a wonderful future for myself and my family.

I am Jarrica Martinez and I am eternally grateful for NoviChi.


Core Belief


My gratitude exceeds my vocabulary!! Thank you for the NoviChi core belief experience! It is a life changing event. A defining moment. What a fantastic tool for doing good in the world. My story is forever changed.

Anthony Fowler


Grief Support
(A NoviChi Mind Protocol)

After the death of my husband I was emotionally devastated. I was doing my very best to be with the grief and trying to process through the intense feelings and emotions of this traumatizing event. I remember crying for three days without stopping including crying myself to sleep at night. The grief was deep and went to the depths of my being.
While using the NoviChi Grief Protocol I distinctly remember feeling the grief come up to my solar plexus and as I was ready to burst into tears, the grief literally dissipated and I started to giggle and wondered what just happened. I felt much calmer and felt a sense of peace and tranquility come over me as if a huge load was lifted off. This happened the first time using the grief protocol.

Julia has been a great help, support and guide to me no matter what I was challenged with and it seemed to always be one thing or another. Her availability, knowledge and intuition are indescribable as well as her passion to help others.
Linda Hahn


NoviChi works with the Mind/Body Connection. The following testimonial shows an example of a real life body illness. The memory of a traumatic and heartbreaking experience has stored itself in this woman’s body causing constant pain for many years until processed with the NoviChi Mind Module. Please read the following heartfelt story from one of our NoviChi practitioners.

For 43 years I have had a pain off and on in my descending colon.
During a discovery process with Julia I was able to find the source of the pain.
I found that it related to a stillborn baby that I’d had 43 years previous. I had no way of dealing with the grief, sorrow and loss back then.
Life happened and with the passing of time I just shoved the experience and memories aside, so I thought.
As Julia took me through the discovery process I was able to bring up the memories, experience them and then release them while using the NoviChi Emotional Release Grief Protocol.
When I started the process my pain level was about an eight. When I finished the process it was down to a two. That evening I felt like I needed to run the NoviChi Bacteria Body Protocol. When I was finished the pain was completely gone and has not returned since.
I am so grateful for how quickly I was able to dissipate a disheartening emotional memory that has been buried so deeply for so many years.
Rebecca Osguthorp


Happy Birthday to me! Not only do I feel newer than I did three years ago, but I got to ski powder first run of the season on my 76th birthday, New Year’s Day 2019!

Who would believe there could be so many benefits to waking up and getting to know the communities
of cells that we are through using NoviChi frequencies and protocols for nearly three years? Not only have I been surprised by heightened body awareness, rapid reflex recovery and an inexplicable new ability to work Suduko puzzles up to Level 3, this period has also seen the flourishing of a new and unrelated business which equaled my NoviChi investment that partial first year and our home mortgage payments this past year!

When I first met Julia nearly three years ago I didn’t have any specific issues other than a vague sense that my body needed to be more balanced and aligned. While that is still a work in progress, the combination of intention and the aligning NoviChi frequencies have made amazing changes that have been commented on by many and confirmed almost daily in my own awareness! That initial intention was also coupled with the desire to discover whether she really did have access to the Pearl of Great Price in NoviChi and whether it could equip me to better go and serve others. My body, mind and spirit say YES, that the difference is as great as that of water and Living Water!

Joyce Fox
LoJolla, CA